Community Centre for Disability Services

Community Centre for disability services is a project funded by European Union and implemented by World Vision Albania in collaboration with Perrenjas municipality, in the municipality of Perrenjas. Its end goal is; “Children and youth with disabilities in Perrenjas municipality are provided with opportunities to realize their full potential”. In this project framework children and youth with disabilities will have the chance to receive integrated specialized services at home, through a mobile unit of specialists, integrated specialized service in a community Centre and integrated specialized services and inclusive education practices at schools through trained mobile and community Centre units of specialists, support teachers and psycho social staff in schools. 50 professionals , being specialists working in the Community Centre and as Mobile Unit, assistant teachers and school psychosocial staff, are trained on disability topics , coached on the job and participate reflection workshops to share and learn from each other experiences. Children/youth with disabilities are supported in their special needs, including special didactic means, food and  hygienic items or special devices. Youth activism and volunteering is another pillar of this project. Youth will be trained to become active citizens and supported to undertake their activities in support of disability and social inclusion. As legal basis for the project implementation will serve the Ministry of Health and Social Protection approved guidelines as of 2nd of June 2022 for Mobile Integrated Services at home for children with disabilities and their families.