The 2019 Performance Assessment Report “Municipalities in the Process of European Integration” details that slight progress was made in the fight against corruption, drug cultivation and trafficking, and money laundering. At the local level, good progress was marked in two out of three main measures in the fight against organised crime:
The Strategic Document on Public Security was drafted and approved by 42.62% of municipalities, or +16.4 p.p. compared to 2018, the structures of Community Councils (CC) were set up by 49.18% of municipalities, or +18.03 p.p. more municipalities, compared to 2018, while the establishment of the WG in the Fight Against Organised Crime was at the same level as in 2018, based on reported data. Remaining challenges include the establishment of WGs and Community Councils in all municipalities, improving the work quality and efficiency of these structures, and improving coordination of measures with state institutions and other actors at the local level.
The same report details that there has been an improvement in the performance of municipalities regarding the development of the local social plan – 63.9% of municipalities reported that they approved the local social plan by the decision of the City Council; the indicator shows an increase of +17.9 pp compared to 2018.