Youth Standing Up for Human Rights in Albania

Youth Standing Up for Human Rights in Albania


Project Value 620,000.00 €
Project Status Completed
Implementing Partners

World Vision Albania
South East European Youth Network

EU Contribution
620,000.00 €
Project Timeline
06.2018 - 05.2021

Overall Objective

To make youth become active drivers of civil society’s actions in promoting human rights, democratic values and the rule of the law in Albania.

Summary of the Project

World Vision Albania (WVA) and its co-applicant, the South East European Youth Network (SEEYN), have identified that the defence of human rights in Albania does not achieve its full potential because of a lack of resources; a lack of technical capacity; and a lack of robust participation of youth (and other categories of population).

For this reason, WVA and SEEYN designed this action using a sub-granting methodology to address those three factors listed above.


Sub-grants will be selected so that they are not independent projects but rather are aligned and complementary in order to achieve a coordinated impact.

    • 1. A research study is produced to document youth participation as well as a capstone document to capture lessons learned and best practices from youth participation in human rights defence and promotion;


    • 2. Informational sessions for potential sub-grant applicants;


    • 3. Two-step process of public calls and selection of applications;


    • 4. Sub-grants are awarded to the recipients;


    • 5. Sub-grantees participate in workshops in which they shape and execute their projects under the mentorship of WV and SEEYN;


    • 6. Sub-grantees are encouraged and directed to join existing networks and/or initiatives so that they can learn and contribute to larger initiatives in Albania. SEEYN will also include sub-grantees in a number of their regional actions implemented through other projects (as a multiplier effect of the action);


    • 7. Structured mentoring and learning-by-doing to the coordinated sub-grant projects;


    8. A report on the State of Human Rights in Albania is produced.


1. Sub-grantees successfully implement human rights defence projects in compliance with the Theory of Change for this action;
2. Awareness on human rights defence is raised among key communities in key areas of Albania;
3. Advocacy on key human rights defence issues is conducted in key communities in key areas of Albania;
4. Community service models for services which guard and promote human rights are created in key communities in key areas of Albania;
5. Human Rights organisations have the capacity to implement human rights defence projects;
6. Facilitated access to existing networks for grassroots Human Rights organisations;
7. Youth participation in human rights defence is documented;
8. Young men and women’s voice in human rights monitoring and reporting is documented;
9. A document on lessons learned and best practices is published and disseminated.

Project Reference Number 2017/396-346