Albanian Development Fund (ADF) and / or Municipalities
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
12.2018 - 12.2027
Overall Objective
The project’s overall objective is to increase the contribution of high-quality and sustainable tourism to the economic growth and competitiveness of Albanian regions.
Summary of the Project
This project aims at increasing the contribution of the sustainable and responsible tourism industry to Albania’s economic growth. The project will improve sustainable and responsible tourism, thus regenerating the local economic fabric and the urban environment.
1. Undertake a comprehensive analysis of the gender sensitive tourism sector value chain/cluster in each target area, mapping out stakeholders, needs and gaps in tourism services/products;
2. Design and develop new integrated tourist packages and promote them using modern technologies and innovative methods;
4. Improve awareness of key local development stakeholders about responsible tourism and best practice destination management approaches, and develop related strategic planning skills;
5. Develop public awareness campaigns and deliver school and community environmental initiatives for responsible tourism and environmental sustainability;
6. Increase the engagement of the private sector in tourism industry development;
7. Support collaborative and integrated initiatives that improve the quality and management of the tourism offer through grants and/or loans to small businesses and NGOs, with a focus on women-led initiatives;
8. Foster linkages with agriculture and other related industries and crafts to support agro-tourism and rural tourism;
9. In collaboration with national and local vocational education institutions, assist in skills development for local tourism systems, and encourage a gender-sensitive approach to all activities related to training and skills development:
9.1 Support initiatives for reviving traditional crafts, trades and products;
9.2 Undertake gap analysis, identify the needs and prepare and implement a roadmap for adoption of international tourism standards;
9.3 Develop national standards for Tourism Information Centres (TICs) and tourist information services, in line with international standards where appropriate;
9.4 Support the establishment and implementation of ETIS15 tools (European Tourism Indicators System for sustainable destination management) in each of the four territories to enhance data collection on tourist destinations and tourism planning;
9.5 Implement and supervise works for conservation and restoration of selected heritage assets in pilot destinations where detailed design is already available;
9.6 Create and improve retail facilities and assist in organising marketing and sales of souvenirs and crafts around heritage sites;
9.7 Map the existing cultural heritage signage, identify needs for improvement, and install new or improved signage/signalling in the target areas;
9.8 Implement small infrastructure improvements required for better access to the heritage sites with visitor management facilities in place; where feasible, introduce green transport options to heritage sites with visitor management facilities in place;
9.9 Assist municipalities in upgrading waste management and sanitation facilities;
9.10 Provide training to municipality staff and staff managing heritage and natural attractions;
9.11 For accessing sensitive heritage sites, introduce the international best practice and define the options with local government and community;
9.12 Identify and select investment projects for local economic development;
9.13 Continue and upscale to the regional level the pilot activities, including for collaborative grant initiatives, with a particular emphasis on public-private partnerships and destination management;
9.14 Support business-related infrastructure, efficiency of resource utilisation, regional connectivity and the quality of urban environment.
1. Integrated tourism package for the target area;
2. Established local tourism initiatives based on sustainability, partnerships, clusters and value chain development;
3. Improved skills of potential local tourism services/product providers in the target areas through training;
4. Improved tourism standards and data in line with international best practice;
5. Preserved and restored cultural heritage, natural and other local assets;
6. Improved accessibility and enhanced sustainability of cultural heritage, natural and other local assets;
7. Improved skills of experts of relevant public institutions working on preservation, restoration and management of cultural heritage and natural sites;
8. Improved implementation of the National Single Project Pipeline in the framework of local development plans.