The Western Balkans Investment Framework (WBIF)

The Western Balkans Investment Framework (WBIF)


Project Value 143,800,000.00 €
Project Status Ongoing
Implementing Partners

Government of Albania MoEFA

Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB)

European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)

European Investment Bank (EIB)


World Bank

French Alliance for Development (ADF)

Bilateral donors

EU Contribution
128,800,000.00 €
Project Timeline
WBIF 1: 2009 – 2020, WBIF 2: 2020 – 2027

Overall Objective

The Western Balkans Investment Framework (WBIF) supports socio-economic development and EU accession across the Western Balkans through the provision of finance and technical assistance for strategic investments. It is a joint initiative of the EU, financial institutions, bilateral donors and the governments of the Western Balkans.

Summary of the Project

The  Western  Balkans  Investment  Framework  (WBIF)  is  a  financing  facility launched  in  December  2009  by  the  European  Commission,  together  with  the Council   of   Europe   Development   Bank   (CEB),   the   European   Bank   for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the European Investment Bank (EIB), Bilateral Donors and Western Balkans beneficiaries with the purpose to deliver funding for  strategic investment projects. The KfW and the World Bank Group subsequently joined the Framework. In December 2018, the Agence Française de Développement (AFD) became a participating organisation in the WBIF. The WBIF blends grants, loans and beneficiary contributions for infrastructure development in the energy, environment, social, transport and digital sectors as well as for private sector development.

The WBIF has supported 33 projects with an estimated value of €2.3billion in Albania. The country has benefited from 46 grants for technical assistance and investment works with an overall value of €143.8million, out of which €128.8 million from the EU and €15.0 million from other donors. The WBIF financial institutions have extended a further €470 million in loans signed on 15 projects. The investments comprise key infrastructure projects in a variety of sectors, such as: 

  • Rail, road and maritime transport;
  • Electricity and gas transmission; 
  • Hydropower generation; 
  • Water and wastewater systems;
  • Flood protection;
  • Solid waste management;
  • Schools and healthcare facilities;
  • Broadband infrastructure.



  1. 145 km of new motorways;
  2. 193km of railway lines rehabilitated;
  3. Increase in capacity and safe and efficient transport by sea in the Port of Durrës
  4. 174km of electricity transmission lines upgraded and secure power supply;
  5. 120 MW renewable power generation capacity, supplying green energy for 70,000 households;
  6. 207 km of gas pipelines;
  7. Improved water/wastewater systems for more than 800,000 people and solid waste services for 900,000 people;
  8. 500,000 people protected from floods;
  9. Healthcare research and treatment facilities for 2.8 million people;
  10. 70% of households with access to broadband connections in rural areas.