Technical assistance for the cross-border cooperation programme Albania – Kosovo under the Instrument of Pre-accession Assistance (IPA II)

Technical assistance for the cross-border cooperation programme Albania – Kosovo under the Instrument of Pre-accession Assistance (IPA II)


Project Value 360,000.00 €
Project Status Ongoing
Implementing Partners

Ministry of Local Government Administration MLGA

Kukës and Lezha Regions in Albania.
South Economic Region and the West Economic Region in Kosovo.

EU Contribution
360,000.00 €
Project Timeline

Overall Objective

To support the national authorities of both beneficiary countries in ensuring the
efficient set-up and management of the Cross-border Cooperation Programme
between the Republic of Albania and the Republic of Kosovo.

Summary of the Project

Specific objective(s):

(1) To ensure the efficient, effective, transparent and timely implementation of the
CBC programme;
(2) To raise awareness of the programme amongst national, regional and local
communities and, in general, the population in the eligible programme area.


Support to the programme management structures. Support to the JTS offices to
regularly perform their duties; Support to the members of the JMC to carry out their
duties; Support to the OSs to carry out their duties; Establishing a system to carry
out programme level monitoring.
2. Support to the implementation of the CBC Programme and operations.
Organization of Info Days, Organization of project monitoring; Capacity building
actions for potentials applicants; Capacity building actions for grant beneficiaries.
3. Visibility and communication. Preparation of the visibility and communication
plan; Carry out of information campaigns; Publication of promotional items.

Expected Results

Eo.1: Enhanced administrative support to the Operating Structures (OSs) and the Joint
Monitoring Committee (JMC).
Eo.2: Increased technical and administrative capacity for programme management
and implementation.
Eo.3: Guaranteed visibility and publicity of the CBC programme and their outcomes.

Project Reference Number IPA/2019/411-818