Technical Assistance for Integrated Solid Waste Management System for two Selected Municipalities of Albania

Technical Assistance for Integrated Solid Waste Management System for two Selected Municipalities of Albania


Project Value 2,229,500.00 €
Project Status Finished
Beneficiary Sector
Implementing Partners

Eptisa Servicios De Ingenieria

EU Contribution
2,229,500.00 €
Project Timeline
March 2017 - June 2020

Overall Objective

To support the Government of Albania in the effort towards the sustainable development of the country by supporting the institutions to develop, implement, and enforce environmental and climate change legislation in line with EU standards.

Another main objective is to identify the technologically most appropriate, financially affordable, economically feasible, environmentally sound and politically acceptable solution for achieving a positive environmental impact that contributes to the welfare of the population of Albania on a short, medium, and long-term.

Summary of the Project

This intervention had as objective to build capacity in modern solid waste management (SWM) and to raise public awareness on the importance of proper waste management for the preservation of the environment, public health and, finally, for an increased living standard of the population of Albania. To achieve this goal, it was important that the competent institutions implemented proper waste management policies and technologies, and that the general public had the correct mentality and attitude to support the entire SWM planning and implementation process.
The project ensured that Albanian institutions received high quality and appropriate technical assistance at both central and local levels, which provided a pathway towards compliance with EU practices, standards, and approaches towards sustainable solid waste management.


  • Mapping of the present situation, based on the existing needs and infrastructure for two Waste Management Zones
  • Development of an Integrated Solid Waste Management Plan for the Two Waste Management Zones
  • Capacity building for stakeholders and activities for starting the implementation of IWMS and public awareness, and technical support to the national coordination structures

Expected Results

  • Assessment of the status (technical, legal gap analysis, human resources, equipment, etc.) of the waste sector is undertaken in view of the final selection of the two Waste Management Zones for this project
  • Timely provision of zonal/”regional” waste plans, feasibility studies and preliminary designs for the necessary investments in Integrated Waste Management Systems (IWMS) for the two zones/ regions
  • The capacities of the municipalities in planning, operation, and maintenance of waste management systems, including the reuse, recycling, and reduction of waste, are improved
  • Activities in line with the Integrated Waste Management Systems are carried out, and public awareness is improved
EUD contact point

Edvin Pacara

Project Reference Number 2017/383-743