Sustainable model of integrated employment & social care services in Municipality of Mallakastra

Sustainable model of integrated employment & social care services in Municipality of Mallakastra


Project Value 221,742.00 €
Project Status Ongoing
Implementing Partners

Municipality of Mallakastra


EU Contribution
200,000.00 €
Project Timeline

Overall Objective

This Action targets unemployed women & youth, two of the most
vulnerable at-risk groups in the Municipality who live in poverty with
little or no income & are susceptible to social exclusion. The Action
enhances social care provision through building the local
infrastructure for at-risk groups with a multi-functional community
centre & building staffing capacity to reach vulnerable populations in
remote areas.

Summary of the Project

The Action strengthens municipal capacities to establish & deliver
inclusive services by addressing social protection & inclusion, &
employment & vocational education. Its specific priorities will be a)
establishing social care services at municipal level by opening a
multifunctional community centre offering a package of social
services in the centre & through mobile teams in rural areas & b)
supporting social inclusion in employment through capacitating
unemployed individuals & establishing a social enterprise &
supporting small businesses run by formerly unemployed individuals.
Unemployment rates, particularly high among women & youth, which
has worsened due to COVID, has a significant impact on their ability
to lead financially independent lives. Through targeted employment
support programmes, the Action will address the inclusion of women
& youth in the labour market.
The Action is in alignment & have synergy with national & local
social inclusion strategies in Albania.


Renovate municipal premises for MFCC (Multi functional community

MFCC management structure & programme of services
Cooperation agreement with Regional Employment Office
Revise local social inclusion plan to include employment
Enable community to engage in development of integrated service
Community participation framework including feedback mechanism
Community advisory group
Enable municipal & local staff to sustainably manage services
Capacity building for municipal & local staff
Technical assistance & individualised coaching
Exchange visits on multi-functional service & inclusive employment

Expected Results

The Action will improve the technical & management capacities of the

target groups & final beneficiaries:
• Municipal social services & MFCC staff will have enhanced
technical & management capacities to manage a multi-functional
community centre for the most at-risk individuals in the local
• Municipal social services & MFCC staff will have enhanced technical & management capacities to provide multi-functional
services for local at-risk populations.
• MFCC staff will have enhanced capacities to employ case
management approaches to at-risk groups and to operate a local
system of referrals.
• MFCC staff will have capacities to provide mobile multi-
functional services in the community.
• Members of the community would be empowered to actively
participate in the development of social care services in the MFCC &
their communities.
• Unemployed individuals will be capacitated for employment
through access to a range of employment support programmes,
including active job search support & vocational on-the-job
• Unemployed individuals will be capacitated for self-
employment through entrepreneurship skills training, start-up income
generating grants & business support mentoring & coaching.
• Unemployed women will be capacitated to run a social
business through entrepreneurship skills training &business support
mentoring & coaching.
• At-risk individuals & families will be capacitated on accessing
local social care services which will positively impact on their socio-
economic situation and inclusion in Albanian society.

Project Reference Number 2022  / 431-879