Support to the Anti-Cannabis Strategy – Air surveillance

Support to the Anti-Cannabis Strategy – Air surveillance


Project Value 2,000,000.00 €
Project Status Completed
Implementing Partners

Italian Ministry of Interior

EU Contribution
2,000,000.00 €
Project Timeline
2017 - 2019

Overall Objective

The overall objective of the project is to enhance the fight against organised crime groups involved in cannabis cultivation and trafficking.

Summary of the Project

The project was designed to support the Albanian National Plan Against Cannabis Cultivation and Trafficking and its Action Plan. This project co-funds the Italian-led air-surveillance campaign, allowing Albanian authorities to control the territory and to identify and prevent possible cannabis cultivation, and supporting the Special Prosecutor and Prosecutors’ Offices in establishing Joint Investigation Teams with the EU Member States and neighbouring countries to investigate and prosecute cannabis cultivation and trafficking.


1. Conducting airborne remote sensing campaigns in the high-risk areas in order to detect possible cannabis cultivation in Albania;
2. Establish Joint Investigation Teams between EU Member States and Albania to investigate and prosecute cannabis cultivation and trafficking.


1. Cannabis cultivation areas reduced and plants identified and destroyed entirely;
2. The capacities of Albanian authorities in fighting cannabis cultivation and trafficking strengthened.

Project Reference Number 394-618 and 387-073