Support to Territorial and Administrative Reform Star 2

Support to Territorial and Administrative Reform Star 2


Project Value 8,200,000.00 €
Project Status Completed
Implementing Partners

United Nations Development Programme

EU Contribution
3,500,000.00 €
Project Timeline
07.2016 - 10.2019

Overall Objective

STAR2 has three main objectives:

  1. Strengthen institutional and administrative capacities of administrations in the 61 municipalities of Albania;
  2. Increase the efficiency of local public service delivery, including quality, coverage, accessibility and inclusiveness for men and women;
  3. Enhance local democracy through fostering citizen-oriented governance and participatory decision-making, leveraging the role of women as actors of change.

Summary of the Project

STAR 2 builds on the national commitment to reform and strengthen local governance and public administration, to enhance the efficiency and transparency of public institutions for an effective response to public expectations, and to fight against corruption. The objective was; a public administration capable to offer a better and more modernised service delivery and create a climate of trust, cooperation and democratic decision-making for healthy and sustainable development. The project foresaw all 61 local government units, that received coherent and adequate assistance, with regard to areas relevant to the project objectives.



  • 3250 municipal staff participated in capacity building activities (until April 2019)



  1. • Improved efficiency, transparency, accountability, integrity and inclusiveness of local government structures;
  2. • Enhanced human resource management capacities respecting the current laws and leading to a more efficient and effective public administration at local level;
  3.  Improved strategic planning, increased fiscal autonomy and improved management of financial resources at the local level;
  4.  A business-friendly administration with enhanced responsiveness to citizens; all 61 municipalities publish online their Municipal Council decisions;
  5.  A system of digitalisation of local government archives adopted nation-wide;
  6.  A national benchmarking system for key selected administrative/public services established;
  7.  A one-stop-shop model is defined and scaled-up nationwide;
  8.  Local democracy and citizen participation in local decision-making strengthened.
EUD contact point

Orlando Fusco

Project Reference Number 382-422