Support to Municipalities in managing Grants from IPA 2018

Support to Municipalities in managing Grants from IPA 2018


Project Value 476,500.00 €
Project Status Ongoing
Implementing Partners

Altair / Aesa

EU Contribution
476,500.00 €
Project Timeline
20.08.2021- 01.08.2024

Overall Objective

Support the socio-economic development of communities vulnerable
to Cannabis cultivation and trafficking .

Summary of the Project

As part of the IPA 2018 Action Programme for Albania “EU for Rule
of Law – Fighting organised crime and drugs”, we understand this
assignment to be a Technical Assistance project to Albanian
Municipalities with the purpose of supporting socio-economic
development of the areas affected by drug and illicit cultivation. In
practice, it is expected that municipalities will improve their technical
capacities in applying for EU grants to finance initiatives to support
and facilitate the economic and social development of their
communities and to improve their service delivery.


Assit Municipalities, support EU Delegation, support Ministry of


Expected Results

A number of most affected Municipalities can apply for a grant to
finance iniciatives to enable the economic and social development
of their communities

Project Reference Number SIEA 2018 -1519