Support the Civil Society Organisations to Develop Social Enterprises in Albania

Support the Civil Society Organisations to Develop Social Enterprises in Albania


Project Value 217,807.00 €
Project Status Completed
Responsible Authority
Implementing Partners

Regional Development Agency Tirana

EU Contribution
217,807.00 €
Project Timeline
04.2018 - 09.2020

Overall Objective

The overall objective is encouraging and supporting CSOs to develop social enterprises and collective cooperatives in order to ensure the financial stability of their activities. Social enterprises are seen as the new model for business development in the Albanian economy that also contributes to the social inclusion of vulnerable and marginalised groups.

Summary of the Project

The project aimed to support the national authorities to address the problems identified during the implementation of the Law on Social Enterprises and to promote the legal framework to the interested target group; and increase the capacities, the skills and the knowledge of civil society organisations (CSOs) in business planning and management, by supporting them to start-up and/or scale-up their social enterprise ideas through small sub-grants, and coaching them during the first six months of the implementation of the business ideas.


  1. Conducting 2 rounds of consultations with CSOs on the Law on Social Enterprises;
  2. Developing 1 study on the assessment of the potentialities of Albania to develop social enterprises;
  3. Organising 6 three-day trainings in different regions;
  4. Conducting 2 rounds of a Call for applications to select 30 sub-grantees that are developing social enterprises;
  5. Supporting 30 sub-grantees through coaching programmes.


  1. 1 policy paper produced after the consultation on bylaws on social enterprises;
  2. 1 e-publication of the report on the results and recommendations of the assessment study;
  3. 100 persons acquired the capacity to prepare a business plan for a social enterprise through participation in the training;
  4. 40 CSO candidates prepare their applications to receive financing for a social business plan;
  5. 30 CSOs initiate/grow their social businesses through the grant scheme;
  6. 30 CSOs have improved capacities for management, coordination, organisation and financial management through coaching activities.
Project Reference Number CTR 2018/396-114