Support Participation, Accountability and Civil Society Empowerment (SPACE)

Support Participation, Accountability and Civil Society Empowerment (SPACE)


Project Value 477,520.00 €
Project Status Ongoing
Implementing Partners

Together for Life, Investigative Reporting Network, Albania (BIRN), Qendresa Qytetare, Qendra per Ekselence DESTINY


Local Grassroots CSOs, Local and central government (health and education institutions), Media and journalists, Youth.
Final beneficiaries: Patients and their families, Youth and their families and Albania population.

EU Contribution
453,000.00 €
Project Timeline
01.2023 - 01.2026

Overall Objective

Supporting CSOs to play their oversight/watchdog and monitoring roles in the field of good governance and on the other side to advocate, educate and raise awareness for better governance.

Summary of the Project

The Project focused on anti-corruption, budget transparency and accountability dimensions, as it aims to strengthen the engagement of CSOs in public policy processes/cycle through evidence-based advocacy and monitoring of reforms. It focused and assess public participation in preparation, implementation and monitoring of legislative drafts, government strategies and budgeting aiming (policy cycle) to increase transparency and accountability in the public sector strengthening CSOs capacities, especially local grassroots CSOs from different regions in Albania.


Training  days to increase the capacities of up to 20 CSOs and non/formal groups;
Two calls for proposal to support up in total 12 proposals from CSOs from different regions of the country in the health and education sector;
Monitoring health and education national strategies to produce alternative reports (two reports) and recommendations;
The transparency evaluation report based on the data gathered by the public institutions on the ground monitoring and Freedom of Information requests;
The advocacy activities: one public forum, four round tables about the reports and recommendations that will be given, one public talk, two workshops with policy-makers and representatives of public institutions, aiming to advocate for the proposed changes, articles, preparation and publication of information, videos,  infographics, podcasts, public events etc.


1. Civil society organizations will work better to demand improved accountability and budget transparency of public institutions (health and education sectors);
2. Increased public pressure on authorities to respond, change behaviour and reduce corruption;
3: CSOs, media, youth, state/non-state stakeholders work together to improve the budget transparency and accountability, leading to the better quality of services for the Albanian citizens.

Project Reference Number IPA III/2022/441-234