Spreading Social Enterprise: Training, Work and Inclusion

Spreading Social Enterprise: Training, Work and Inclusion


Project Value 48,871,180.00 €
Project Status Completed
Implementation Responsibilites
Implementing Partners


EU Contribution
46,319,280.00 €
Project Timeline
10.01.2022 - 09.07.2024

Overall Objective

To support the sustainable and inclusive development of the Albanian economy, promoting social entrepreneurship and the social re-use of confiscated assets. The specific objective is to strengthen new models of social entrepreneurship and the managerial skills of local CSOs that ensure the socio-economic inclusion of disadvantaged groups, focusing on the social re-use of confiscated assets.

Summary of the Project

The goal of the project is supporting the sustainable and inclusive development of the Albanian economy through the promotion and strengthening of social entrepreneurship and the social re-use of confiscated assets proceeding from organised and corruption crimes, by disseminating new models of social enterprises and by strengthening the management skills of local CSO-s.



  1. Strengthening and disseminating new models of vocational SE;
  2. Strengthening the management skills of local CSOs by exchanges of international best practices and practical models in the re-use of confiscated assets and social entrepreneurship;
  3. Increase socio-economic inclusion by supporting a new SE, with a specific focus on the social reuse of confiscated assets.
EUD contact point


Project Reference Number 2021/429-282