Social Enterprise – Bridge Between the Social Sector and Traditional Business

Social Enterprise – Bridge Between the Social Sector and Traditional Business


Project Value 291,577.00 €
Project Status Completed
Implementing Partners

Foundation Centre for Entrepreneurship and Executive Development—CEED North Macedonia
Association for Research, Communications and Development Public—Skopje
Centre for Training of Rural Women in Diber District – Agritra Vizion
Centre for Entrepreneurship and Executive Development, CEED Albania

EU Contribution
247,840.00 €
Project Timeline
11.2017 - 11.2019

Overall Objective

The project aims to build the capacities of individuals to start and manage SEs through training, mentorship, coaching, facilitating opportunities for cross-border and cross-sectoral cooperation and facilitating access to finance opportunities. It aims to contribute to strengthening the existing SEs in the cross-border region through facilitating contacts and partnerships with the traditional business sector companies, thus enabling SEs’ growth and increased turnover.

Summary of the Project

The project aims to strengthen social enterprises (SEs) and social entrepreneurship in the target regions through supporting the creation of new SE start-ups, building their capacities as well the capacities of the existing SEs, enabling business cooperation with the traditional business sector as well as facilitating SEs’ access to new markets and financing opportunities.


1. Capacity building for owners of existing SEs in the cross-border region, individuals who want to start new SEs in the region and traditional business sector companies;
2. Networking sessions within events;
3. Developing a policy study for the cross-border region;
4. Disseminating a policy brief among the relevant institutions, policy-makers and public.


1. Training curricula and training materials developed (for SE start-ups, for existing SEs, for traditional business sector companies);
2. At least 80 participants attend 6 groups of the training programme for SE start-ups;
3. At least 60 personal plans were developed and 120 mentorship meetings were held;
4. At least 45 participants attend 4 groups of training programmes for traditional business sector companies;
5. At least 80 participants attend the 6 groups of training programs for SEs;
6. One research methodology delivered;
7. A research report published;
8. At least 10 new partnerships established between traditional business sector companies and SEs;
9. Six SEs/individuals were awarded up to 3000 EUR grants for developing their SEs;
10. At least 40 participants pitch their ideas in front of a committee for awarding grants (at 4 events).

Project Reference Number 389-883