SOCIAL-E: Social Enterprise Accelerator and Incubator for women and youth of the Greek Minority

SOCIAL-E: Social Enterprise Accelerator and Incubator for women and youth of the Greek Minority


Project Value 242,349.00 €
Project Status Ongoing
Implementing Partners

Dropull Municipality

EU Contribution
242,349.00 €
Project Timeline

Overall Objective

The overall objective of the SOCIAL-E is the creation of a highly innovative Physical and Virtual Social Enterprise Accelerator and Incubator aiming at supporting vulnerable groups of the Municipality of Dropull to initialise, establish and growth social businesses related but not limited to

(i)        traditional culinary and agro food,

(ii)       handicrafts, popular arts and creative industries, and

(iii)      new tourism services like alternative, cultural and agro-tourism

Summary of the Project


  • Establishment of the SOCIAL-E acceleration and incubation structure including the building renovation, the social shop, the management structures, training facilities, and physical incubators for hosting at least 5 social enterprises;
  • Create and sustain innovative mechanisms within the Municipality to establish and support social enterprises including mentoring, coaching, networking, Unique Sales and Marketing, international presence and promotion, funding, grants and micro financing;

Increase public awareness against cannabis cultivation and trafficking by promoting successful paradigms of social entrepreneurship as the best alternative to illicit activities and immigration

Expected Results

  • One Unique SOCIAL-E Centre created within the first year of the project (one restored municipal facility that will serve as the Social Centre)
  • At Least 5 social enterprises created within the project duration from at least 60 members of the selected vulnerable target groups,
  • At Least 20 branded products and services are introduced by the social enterprises successfully to the market through Social Shop, 1 Online Unique Sales Point in the form of e-shop is created
  • At least 5 Municipal Staff Members trained to permanently support the SOCIAL-E Centre during and after the end of the project
  • A Permanent Network of Coaches and Mentors is created to support the social enterprises during all stages of development,
  • 2 cycles of Holistic Acceleration and Incubation are performed with dedicated seminars, selection through consultation and open calls, info days and dedicated individual coaching sessions and living laboratories
Project Reference Number 2021 / 425-719