Metamorphosis, Foundation for Internet and Society – Skopje
Centre for Development of Polog Planning Region – Tetovo
Council of the Elbasan County – Elbasan
01.2017 - 04.2020
Overall Objective
The project aims to promote a vibrant touristic sector that is adapted to the needs of both domestic and international markets and contributes to accelerate growth and stimulate job creation in the cross-border tourism region shared by North Macedonia and Albania.
Summary of the Project
The project aimed to benefit Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), government agencies at the local and national level (relevant ministries, regional development centres, departments of tourism), tourism development and promotion agencies, tourism clusters, chambers of commerce, start-ups and citizens as potential individual entrepreneurs in the tourism sector, as well as CSOs and the media.
- Strategy-building via wide consultation and coordination;
- Capacity building for SMEs, start-ups, and individual entrepreneurs;
- Networking and internationalisation of the value chains;
- Supporting concrete champion projects to be used as showcase examples to foster cross-border tourism.
- Increased tourism demand in the region through increased provision of online content and activity;
- Increased interconnection between tourism and culture in the cross-border region through the creation of a STEP network of informed and empowered tourism public and private entities, civil society organisations, tourism clusters and/or chambers of commerce;
- Increased capacity of tourism businesses and individual entrepreneurs to cater to international tourists and to connect and partner with relevant international parties;
- Created STEP brand to give added value to the tourism SMEs in the cross-border region through bringing identity benefits by association with STEP, creating trust and respect and raising expectations of quality and integrity;
- Created Inter-Regional Tourism Online Platform (iTOP).