Sector Reform Contract for the Fight Against Corruption in Albania

Sector Reform Contract for the Fight Against Corruption in Albania


Project Value 10,000,000.00 €
Project Status Ongoing
Implementing Partners
  • EU Delegation to Albania
  • Ministry of Justice
  • Ministry of Finance and Economy
EU Contribution
6,800,000.00 €
Project Timeline
January 2017 - December 2023

Overall Objective

The overall objective of this Sector Reform Contract for the Fight Against Corruption is to assist the Government of Albania in implementing the inter-sectoral Strategy Against Corruption with the aim to create transparent and high-integrity Albanian institutions that enjoy citizens’ trust and ensure a quality and incorruptible service.

Summary of the Project


  • Policy dialogue around conditions and government reform priorities
  • Transfer of EUR 8.3 million to the beneficiary country in the fiscal years 2017, 2018, 2019 when disbursements are indicatively expected; EUR 1.7 million will be dedicated to complementary assistance
  • Continued effort to reinforce Government’s institutional capacities to implement the anti-corruption reform, including new institutions and mandates resulting from changes to the legislative framework
  • Performance assessment
  • Reporting and capacity development
  • Enhancing donor coordination
  • Strengthening of the monitoring and evaluation systems for anti-corruption strategy implementation
  • Regular monitoring of budget support eligibility criteria

Expected Results


  • Improved prevention of corruption, in particular through increased transparency and inspection of state activities in the areas of public procurement, improved handling and follow-up of corruption reports, and political parties’ financing
  • Improved repression of corruption, in particular through improved efficiency and effectiveness of criminal investigations against corruption; and good track record of investigated cases submitted to the prosecution services
  • Improved public awareness of corruption, in particular increased public intolerance to corruption and use of the complaints mechanisms to report corruption
EUD contact point