Second 5-Year Review of the Albanian National Transport Plan

Second 5-Year Review of the Albanian National Transport Plan


Project Value 430,000.00 €
Project Status Completed
Implementing Partners

Typsa SA

EU Contribution
430,000.00 €
Project Timeline
01.2018 - 01.2019

Overall Objective

From the regional integration perspective, the main aim of the project is to create the favourable conditions for achieving a deeper integration of Albania within the Western Balkan region and the EU transport market by way of common standards, network efficiency and quality of transport services offered to citizens and businesses.

Summary of the Project

This project was the second review of the Albanian National Transport Plan (ANTP3), the main instrument for transport planning in Albania in line with the National Transport Strategy and its Action Plan 2016-2020. It also strengthened the capacity of the Institute of Transport and the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure in transport planning and policy-making.


1. Socio-economic overview of the country and identification of the freight and commodities flows and productions;
2. Traffic survey campaign; transport model definition; passenger traffic analysis; freight traffic analysis;
2.1 Legal framework and institutional setting;
2.2 Synthetic analysis of the conclusions and recommendations of the previous updated Transport Plan;
2.3 Transport sector needs assessment; prioritisation of development of transport infrastructure; sub-sector plans;
2.4 Investment and Action Plans in rolling programs of capital investments;
2.5 Indicators which are already detailed and linked with outcomes and outputs.


1. The ANTP3 is aligned with the National Plan for European Integration (NPEI 2018-2020); the Single Sector Project Pipeline (SSPP), and other cross-cutting strategies in the fields of business, trade, tourism, environment, energy and social inclusion;
2. The ANTP3 enables the creation of the sectorial agencies, their specialised departments, and the institutional structure required by the European Guidelines, as well as the capacities required for the correct exercise of their functions, making use of the programmes in the framework of the EU-Western Balkans cooperation;
3. The backbone of the ANTP3 infrastructure programme is marked by the extension of TEN-T Core Network. Following the Western Balkans 6 Connectivity Reform Measure Management plan, the establishment of a functioning maintenance system ensuring no section is in poor/very poor condition by 2020, with focus on the Core Network Road and Rail Maintenance Plans.

Project Reference Number 394-457