Project Value
265,723.00 €
Project Status
Implementing Partners
- Milieukontakt
- Institute of Collaboration for Integration and Development – Albania
- Institute for research in environment civil engineering – North Macedonia
265,723.00 €
04.2018 - 10.2020
Overall Objective
The overall objective of this is to strengthen civil society organisations’ (CSOs) capacities for involvement in the process of development of River Basin Management (RBM) plans in Albania and contribute toward wider public support of RBM Plans.
Summary of the Project
- Web page development;
- Initial stakeholder assessment and stakeholder mapping;
- Development, distribution and analysis of project involvement questionnaire;
- A set of four regional round-table discussions;
- Establishment of a Working Group;
- Meeting with representatives from the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Water Administration as well as with representatives from the Ministry for Agriculture and Rural Development;
- A workshop with representatives from the business sector mostly affected by the RBM planning process;
- Development of tools for supporting the consultation process in RBM planning;
- One to one meetings with key stakeholders;
- Development of guide for Public Participation and Participation Techniques;
- Promotion and distribution of the Guide for Public Participation and Participation Techniques;
- Training module preparation and on-site training;
- Organisation of a Summer School;
- Development of the guidelines for submission of proposals for sub-granting projects;
- Promotion of the Call for applications for sub-grants;
- Establishment of an external evaluation body – Project Evaluation Committee;
- Organisation of informational events – Info Day;
- Evaluation of received applications;
- Negotiations with the selected sub-grantees;
- Development of a communication strategy and reporting plan with selected sub-grantees;
- Monitoring and evaluation of the the sub-granted projects after their finalisation;
- Preparation and distribution of the project handbook.
- Strengthened CSO’s capacities to become a crucial stakeholder able to influence the decision-making process and outcomes of RBM plans;
- Increased CSOs’ advocacy work as well as increased level of CSOs’ involvement in the process of development, update and implementation of RBM plans;
- Raised public awareness with regards to the key issues that affect the aquatic environment.
EUD contact point
Edvin Pacara
Project Reference Number
CTR 2018/395-890