Roskovec Municipality and Center Science for Innovation and Development
50 persons with informal economy from Kurjan administrative unit;
240 students of Kurjan schools (pre – grade 12);
20 Roma and Egyptians and 20 people with disabilities;
10 Employees of Municipality of Roskovec.
10.2022 - 09.2025
Overall Objective
Increasing the viable employment and income generation opportunities for young men and women and strengthen the capacity of the Municipality of Roskovec, raising public awareness against cannabis cultivation and trafficking with a special focus on youth.
Summary of the Project
Revitalization of the Community Center School in Kurjan for a Better Access to Social and Economic Development for Young People and Disadvantaged Groups
R1.1 Renovation of the ‘Didin Bishani’ school in Kurjan and set up of community Training Centre;
R1.2 Professional training Courses for young women and men form the most vulnerable communities and at risk of engaging in illicit activities;
R1.3 Mentoring of young people and women selected to develop business plans.
R2. 1 Capacity Development Programme for Municipality staff to adapt public services to align with local community needs and risks;
R2.2 Public awareness and community engagement focusing on economic development and secure employment as alternative to cannabis cultivation and trafficking.
R1. To increase the viable employment and income generation opportunities for young men and womwn in Kurjan as alternaive to cannabis cultivation and trafficking through revitalization of high school as community and professional training centre;
R2. Strengthen the capacity of the Municipality of Roskovec to raise public awareness against cannabis cultivation and trafficking with a special focus on youth, women and vulnerable groups through integrated public services for education, vocational and educational training and income generation.