PRONEWS – Programme for Improving National Early Warning System and Flood Prevention in Albania

PRONEWS – Programme for Improving National Early Warning System and Flood Prevention in Albania


Project Value 2,281,404.00 €
Project Status Completed
Implementing Partners

Italian Civil Protection Department (DPC), Rome (Italy)

EU Contribution
2,281,404.00 €
Project Timeline
01. 2017 - 09. 2021

Overall Objective

To ensure increased resilience to floods by strengthening National Early Warning System of Albania and improving disaster prevention in line with EU Good Practices

Summary of the Project

The project aimed to Improve floods Early Warning and Prevention in Albania.


  1. Support the Legal and Institutional Development for improving Early Warning System (EWS), Flood Management and civil protection by assessing the current institutional and legal framework and strengthening the capacity of national and local authorities to develop Civil Protection plans using participatory approaches;
  2. Support the development of a regional flood hazard map following EU Floods Directive through training and technical assistance for the preparation and use of detailed Flood Hazard maps;
  3. Development of National Flood Forecasting and Warning System and integration into European Flood Awareness System (EFAS) by developing an operational hydrological model for the entire country including transnational river basin for early warning, modernizing the meteorological infrastructures and improving the IT network;
  4. Development of National Public awareness campaign based on EU National Civil Protection good practices by designing National Public Awareness Campaign based on EU best practice for improving the awareness and the resilience of relevant target groups;
  5. Support Albania in preparing for membership to the Union Civil Protection Mechanism (EUCPM) through workshops, training on the Union civil protection mechanism (UCPM) and exchange of experts.


  1. Improved Legal and Institutional framework on Early Warning, Flood Management and Civil Protection;
  2. Developed Flood Hazard Maps according to the provisions of EU Floods Directive;
  3. Improved  Flood Early Warning and integration into the European Flood Awareness System (EFAS);
  4. Developed awareness / promoted  correct behaviour in case of emergency;
  5. institutions guided in accessing the European Union Civil Protection Mechanism (EUCPM).
Project Reference Number 2016/382-775