Open ICT Education for Youth Employability

Open ICT Education for Youth Employability


Project Value 294,210.00 €
Project Status Completed
Implementing Partners

European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI) Kosovo*
Albanian Institute for International Studies (AIIS)

EU Contribution
250,078.00 €
Project Timeline
01.2018 - 02.2020

Overall Objective

The project aims to foster youth employability by providing open access to knowledge and skills, and to strengthen cross-border cooperation between specialised learning centres (high schools, vocational schools and universities).

Summary of the Project

This project provided open access to IT knowledge and skills to students from high schools and vocational schools, via the creation of a regional Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) platform. It empowered young people to find employment, become entrepreneurs and/or pursue further studies in a field that offers many employment opportunities. It also supported the regional knowledge centres (universities, high schools, vocational schools) in upgrading their IT curricula to meet the needs of the labour market and create a network of IT enthusiasts, learners and pioneers in the region.


1. Development of MOOC platform;
2. Stakeholder consultations for access to IT curricula;
3. Review of existing online courses, labour market demand and trends in ICT;
4. Curriculum and course creation;
5. Campaign to disseminate and promote the platform;
6. Course delivery and teaching support;
7. Bootcamp for product development;
8. Development of guidelines and promotion for production of MOOCs.


1. Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) platform available for and accessible to all interested learners in the target region;
2. Minimum 500 young people empowered to participate in the labour market, have an entrepreneurial initiative, and/or pursue higher education opportunities in a high-value field;
3. Sustainable network of regional knowledge centres focused on supporting acquisition of high-value ICT knowledge by youth is established.

Project Reference Number 394-593