INTERVET- “Internationalization of VET systems in Western Balkans”

INTERVET- “Internationalization of VET systems in Western Balkans”


Project Value 199,820,776.00 €
Project Status Completed
Implementing Partners

SEPR (France); MCAST (Malta); ROC Da VinciCollege (Netherlands); Uniser (Italy); Incoma (Spain); Mode (Poland); ZNI (Slovenia); EfVET (Belgium); Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia; Chamber of Economy of Montenegro; IUS Lifelong Learning Center ( Bosnia and Herzegovina); Albanian Skills (Albania), Prishtina REA (Kosovo); National Centre for Development of Innovation and Entrepreneurial Learning (North Macedonia)

EU Contribution
199,820,776.00 €
Project Timeline
12.2019 - 06.2023

Overall Objective

The general objective of the INTERVET WB project is to improve the quality of VET provision in Western Balkans thus ultimately favouring the employability of young people.

Summary of the Project

The project “Internationalisation of VET systems in Western Balkans” (INTERVET WB) brings together 14 organisations involved in VET from 14 countries (among which all the 6 countries of the Western Balkans) to introduce a comprehensive mobility scheme in the enlargement countries.

In order to achieve this general objective, the project has set out 4 specific objectives:

1. To research, develop, test and mainstream a mobility scheme in the 6 countries of the Western Balkans which is tailor made to the characteristics of this area and addressed to: VET students, recently graduates, apprentices and staff of VET organisations.

2. To improve the key competences and professional skills of learners by delivering more work based learning experiences through mobility actions abroad, thus filling the gap with those needed by the local business sector for the economic development and at the same time facilitating their transition to the job market.

3. To improve the competences of VET organisations’ staff regarding: transnational mobility; internal management and administration; planning and teaching of sectoral subjects through mobility.

4. To strengthen the integration and interaction of the different components of the system (VET providers, VET organisations, Business actors, mobility providers local authorities etc.) and establish networks of stakeholders that will ensure the sustainability of mobility schemes.


In Albania the set of activities is as follows:

  1. 93 Short-term learners mobilities (1 month stay) and long term (3 months stay) for VET learners and VET teachers;
  2. 9 Job shadowing experiences of 1 week for VET teachers from Albania to the European VET providers of the partnership;
  3. 6 Mobilities of VET teachers from Albania to participate in summer schools on mobility and work-based learning;
  4. 12 Thematic Teams from Albania to participate in the European VET providers of the Partnership.


The main expected impact is in terms of higher employability for the VET learners targeted by INTERVET WB, which will be favoured by the acquisition of key and professional competencies gained in mobility. For students with fewer opportunities and female learners, the project will be an important occasion to gain self-confidence and programme their future according to what they learned during the experience abroad. The massive investment in capacity building activities of INTERVET WB will generate a change from the initial situation for the VET staff in the Western Balkans. They will acquire the know-how on all the aspects of mobility: the management of (KA1) projects, theintegration of transnational activities in their teaching methodology, as well as knowledge about the Erasmus+ programme, ECVET and its tools. INTERVET WB will be an important cornerstone to strengthen the collaboration between Europe and the enlargement countries in the field of VET.

Project Reference Number EAC-2019-0571