Innovation Eco-System in the Cross-Border Area

Innovation Eco-System in the Cross-Border Area


Project Value 389,028.00 €
Project Status Completed
Implementing Partners

EuroPartners Development

National Agency of Scientific Research and Innovation (ARTI)

Fund for Innovations and Technology Development (FITD)

National Centre for Development of Innovation and Entrepreneurial Learning (NCDIEL)

EU Contribution
330,674.00 €
Project Timeline
01.2018 - 04.2021

Overall Objective

The project aims to increase competitiveness and trade in the cross-border area, through facilitating the transfer of know-how technologies among start-ups and SMEs.

Summary of the Project

This project aimed to establish innovation support infrastructure for the transfer of know-how technologies among start-ups and SMEs in the cross-border areas between North Macedonia and Albania. The main purpose of the proposed action was to help establish, within the existing educational and businesses context, an innovative eco-system of SMEs and start-ups.


  1. Research on the innovation potential and on the application of national innovation strategies;
  2. Establishment of a cross-border and cross-sector innovation platform;
  3. Launching pilot innovation hubs within universities;
  4. Capacity building for innovation stakeholders;
  5. Promotion of an innovation eco-system between North Macedonia and Albania.


  1. Developed cross-sector innovation platform for the transfer of know-how and technologies among start-ups and SMEs;
  2. Enhanced capacity of innovation stakeholders to create an effective innovation eco-system in the cross-border area with two innovation hubs;
  3. Increased competitiveness of start-ups and SMEs in the cross-border area.
Project Reference Number 391-283