INCLUSSIVE – Improved and Innovated Capacities of Local Units for Successful Social Integration of Vulnerable Entities

INCLUSSIVE – Improved and Innovated Capacities of Local Units for Successful Social Integration of Vulnerable Entities


Project Value 209,996.00 €
Project Status Completed
Implementing Partners

Counselling Line for Women and Girls, Kamza Municipality and Tirana Municipality


50 Kamza Municipal staff and Municipal Council members;
100 Young people and women of vulnerable groups with little chances of employment;
125, 632 Kamza municipality inhabitants will benefit from integrated multidisciplinary social services and improved quality of such services.

EU Contribution
189,000.00 €
Project Timeline
05.2022 - 05.2024

Overall Objective

To contribute to the creation and the sustainability of multidisciplinary and integrated social services model delivered to vulnerable groups, by building the human capacities of local social care planers and providers though municipal exchange of practices and experience.

Summary of the Project

The Action contributes to strengthening of municipal capacities to deliver inclusive services of social care and employment and self-employment of citizens in Kamza municipality and to create all the needed provisions to ensure integrated social services delivered to vulnerable groups, by building the human capacities of local social care providers and the needed infrastructure and facilities.


Specific Objective: To establish a sustainable and replicable model of social and economic inclusion of vulnerable groups in municipalities with under-budgeted social services.

1. Built capacities of municipal staff on planning budgeting and delivering social services through assessment, experience exchanging, training and monitoring activities, (municipal strategic plan/social-plan, midterm municipal budgeting, gender budgeting etc) in implementing their competences in Social Care Service Delivery;
2. Replicated successful alternatives from Tirana Municipality on economic inclusion of young men and women skills for the
entrepreneurial and labour market by providing training and hands access to entrepreneurship opportunities in collaboration with local and regional business community;
3. Increased local government accountability on social services delivery by increasing citizen engagement on planning, monitoring
and evaluation of social services in Kamza municipality replicating the successful model of Tirana Municipality.


To establish a sustainable and replicable model of social and economic inclusion of vulnerable groups in municipalities with under-budgeted social services.
1. Built capacities of municipal staff on planning budgeting and delivering social services through assessment, experience exchanging, training and monitoring activities;
2. Replicated successful alternatives from Tirana Municipality on economic inclusion of young men and women;
3. Increased local government accountability on social services delivery by increasing citizen engagement on planning, monitoring
and evaluation of social services in Kamza municipality.

Project Reference Number 2022/432 – 379