Inclusive EduJobs “Towards Context Relevant Policies and Services Enhancing Employability and Educational Outcomes of Roma and Egyptians in Albania”

Inclusive EduJobs “Towards Context Relevant Policies and Services Enhancing Employability and Educational Outcomes of Roma and Egyptians in Albania”


Project Value 2,352,110.00 €
Project Status Ongoing
Implementing Partners

Open Society Foundation for Albania in consortium with Social Action and Innovation Centre (KMOP) and Municipality of Tirana

Beneficiaries: Roma and Egyptians in Tirana, in Shushica (Elbasan), Shkodra, Elbasan and Vlora

EU Contribution
2,000,000.00 €
Project Timeline
01.06.2022 - 31.05.2025

Overall Objective

The overall objective of this project is to improve the inclusion of women and men, boys and girls from Roma and Egyptian communities in Albania by strengthening municipal capacities to establish and deliver inclusive services to citizens in the area of employment and inclusive education.

Summary of the Project

Inclusive EduJobs will promote employment and self-employment models in a participatory way, involving municipalities, primarily Roma and Egyptian CSOs as well as other CSOs and ensuring the necessary link to the existing government programs that support self-employment/employment. The project aims to increase school enrolment and attendance rates, prevent drop-out and functional illiteracy of Roma and Egyptian children, including mitigate the negative effects of COVID-19 by increasing access to online/blended education and scholarship programs for compulsory education in 4 municipalities. A new type of scholarships will be designed and piloted, which incentivizes both attendance and academic achievement of Roma and Egyptian students.

The project will directly contribute at strengthening municipal capacities to establish and deliver inclusive services to Roma and Egyptian citizens in the area of employment and inclusive education, by fostering self- employment/employments schemes, social businesses and online education access and scholarships for Roma and Egyptian children/students at the local level. It will strengthen the capacity of 4 municipalities to manage local development plans developed with a lens of equity (inclusive of Roma and Egyptian), in line with IPA III programming, by means of applying a learning-by-doing approach. It will also strengthen the civic engagement of
Roma and Egyptian CSOs to participate and shape policy dialogue at local and central level. This project will issue subgrants to municipalities and CSOs focusing on employment and education of Roma and Egyptian.


Community Action Planning in Tirana (4 consultation meetings and 1 final forum) for designing the sub granting packages in the area of employment and inclusive education:

– piloting and testing of 6 employment and education models in the first phase in the Municipality of Tirana;
– replication of the 6 models in the municipalities of Shkodra, Vlora and Elbasan;
– blueprints describing the employment and education project models;
– capacity building trainings for Municipalities, R/E CSOs and government agencies;
– the creation of the Constructive Engagement Platform as result a participatory action-planning, involving both private and public bodies.


1.Improved labour market access and educational inclusion and enhanced workers’ rights and women’s rights of the Roma/Egyptian minorities through context-relevant employment, self-employment, and inclusive education models, designed in a participatory way by directly involving R/E lead CSOs, relevant government agencies and the municipalities;
2. Improved educational inclusion and educational achievements of Roma/Egyptian children by means of new educational approach and targeted financial support;
3. Strengthened municipalities’ capacities and enhanced public-private partnerships for the management of all pilot models and utilizing effectively existing state funding;
4. Enhanced participation of R/E CSOs in strategic advocacy, planning and implementation of local interventions that are relevant to their communities;
5. Enhanced collaboration between the municipalities and the local CSOs/social businesses in support of R/E inclusion.

Project Reference Number IPA/2022/432-813