Fostering Youth Development and Employment through a Cross-Border Digital Entrepreneurship Academy (Y.D.E.A) in Lezha and Prizren

Fostering Youth Development and Employment through a Cross-Border Digital Entrepreneurship Academy (Y.D.E.A) in Lezha and Prizren


Project Value 575,984.00 €
Project Status Completed
Implementing Partners

Albanian Institute for International Studies (AIIS)
European Center for Minority Issues (ECMI) Kosovo*

EU Contribution
489,586.00 €
Project Timeline
03.2018 - 07.2020

Overall Objective

The project aims to enable youth networking and capacity building in the field of digital entrepreneurship and encourage the exchange of best practices between vocational and educational institutions.

Summary of the Project

This project increased the youth (self)employment opportunities in Lezha and Prizren with the establishment of a cross-border Youth Digital Entrepreneurship Academy (YDEA). It also strengthened the network of young entrepreneurs and the private business sector at the local and national level in Kosovo* and Albania around jointly organised job fairs. It enhanced the capacity building in modern vocational education and contributed to the exchange of best practices between vocational and educational public/private institutions on both sides of the border.

* This designation is without prejudice to positions on status and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.


1. Development of the Y.D.E.A training scheme;
2. Implementation and supervision of the Y.D.E.A training scheme tailored for the needs of the students;
3. Organisation of 2 cross-border job fairs for Kosovar/Albanian entrepreneurs and Y.D.E.A staff and students;
4. Publication of the final Y.D.E.A manual and training deliverables, videos and podcasts.


1. 50 young people from Lezha and Prizren will be trained on digital entrepreneurship to acquire modern on-the-job skills and increased (self-) employment opportunities;
2. 50 local private businesses (25 from Albania, 25 from Kosovo*) will get acquainted with each other and with a pool of young, highly-qualified digital entrepreneurs;
3. 2 vocational educational institutions will provide high quality training on digital entrepreneurship;
5. An exchange of knowledge between teachers and institutions will take place and new contacts with local businesses will be established.

Project Reference Number 395-977