EX.TOUR / Developing and Promoting Extreme Tourism in Greece Albania Cross-Border Area

EX.TOUR / Developing and Promoting Extreme Tourism in Greece Albania Cross-Border Area


Project Value 100,000.00 €
Project Status Completed
Implementing Partners
  • The Managing Authority of European Territorial Cooperation Programmes of the Ministry of Economy, Development, and Tourism in Thessaloniki, Greece
EU Contribution
100,000.00 €
Project Timeline
03.2018 - 03.2020

Overall Objective

The general aim of the project is the preservation and valorisation of the rich natural and cultural resources in the cross-border area, that will lead to an increase in the number of visitors and the increase of annual tourist stays.

The specific objective of the project is to boost thematic (adventure) tourism in the cross-border area by providing adequate training to new professionals and improving the quality of the services offered. In addition, the project aspires to nurture the appreciation of natural and cultural resources that will be transferred by professional guides to the visitors.

Summary of the Project

The sustainable development of the tourism industry is a key priority for the development of both the economies of Greece and Albania. The area of Konitsa is an ideal place, offering the natural resources for of extreme sports. Permet in Albania, is one of the most interesting places in South Europe for climbing due to its vertical cliffs. However, the lack of properly trained and certified professionals is a major disadvantage because it renders the tourism product less competitive and it can lead to the misuse of environmental resources.


  1. The restoration of “Anagnostopouleios School”; the first floor of the historical building will be renovated in order to host the Extreme Sports School;
  2. A study for the development of certified training programs for extreme sports professionals, that provides an analytical plan for the foundation of the Extreme Sports School;
  3. The construction of 3 climbing fields both in Konitsa and Permet;
  4. An integrated strategic plan for the promotion of sustainable adventure tourism in the cross-border area;
  5. The organisation of a summer camp for adventure tourism;
  6. Participation in thematic tourism exhibitions for the promotion of the cross-border area as a single tourist destination;
  7. Communication and dissemination materials, videos for the promotion of extreme sports tourism in the area.


  1. Climbing fields constructed as an extra asset for the cross-border area;
  2. An integrated strategic plan to provide guidance and tools for further sustainable development of the area through adventure tourism;
  3. A summer camp for extreme sports professionals, sports and travel journalists, and the young local population;
  4. Successful participation in international thematic tourism fairs.
EUD contact point

Francesca Renzi
