


Project Value 8,800,000.00 €
Project Status Ongoing
Implementing Partners

Austrian Development Agency (ADA)

EU Contribution
7,500,000.00 €
Project Timeline
10.2023 - 09.2028

Overall Objective

To maintain or improve the water bodies’ quality status in Albania.

Summary of the Project

The action aims to enhance the implementation of the National Water Reform and the progress of Albania towards meeting EU water legislation requirements – resulting in increased capacities for managing the sector in line with EU policies.


  1. Transpose EU water legislation into national laws and regulations for all EU Water Framework Directive related directives;
  2. Complete the development of River Basin Management Plans for all river basins and advance their implementation through capacity building and programmes of measures;
  3. Develop an operational national water monitoring system.


  1. The overarching Integrated Water Management legal and institutional framework is substantially enhanced in line with the requirements of the EU acquis (Water Framework Directive and other water related directives);
  2. The implementation of River Basin Management is increased in all river basins in line with the requirements of the WFD;

Water monitoring, reporting and enforcement are sustainably enhanced in line with the requirements of water related EU directives.

Project Reference Number IPA/2023/448-427