United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Arbetsformedlingen (Sweden – Public Employment Office) and Albanian Disability Rights Foundation
NEET of age 15-29, People with disabilities, Young mothers not in employment, Beneficiaries of cash assistance scheme (1400 direct beneficiaries).
Overall Objective
To enhance the partnership of the National Agency for Employment and Skills (NAES) with municipalities to establish and deliver inclusive and integrated employment, skills development for vulnerable groups, in collaboration with labour market actors.
Summary of the Project
This Project is in response to Lot 2 of the second phase of the grant scheme, under “EU for Social Inclusion Programme” IPA 2019, which aims to support various typologies of community and social care services and models of active labour measures and inclusive practices in vocational education for groups at risk.
The proposed action intends to strengthen inclusive and active employment and skills models in the 19 targeted municipalities
Outcome 1: Fostered inclusive and tailored employment opportunities of groups at risk, women and men, boys, and girls, in line with the needs of the regional labour market
Outcome 2: Improved access and flexibility of the skills development offer for youth and low qualified adults from the groups at risk.
Outcome 3: Promoted and delivered accessible and innovative models of supported employment and skills development for people with disabilities