


Project Value 11,750,000.00 €
Project Status Ongoing
Implementing Partners

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH, (GIZ) as lead organisation, and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) as partner.

EU Contribution
10,000,000.00 €
Project Timeline
01.01.2023 - 30.06.2026

Overall Objective

To increase the competitiveness and post-COVID socio-economic recovery through improvement of the business environment, innovation ecosystem and investment climate.

Summary of the Project

The Action supports Albania to accelerate the transformation to a more innovation-driven and knowledge-based economy embracing the opportunities from the green and digital transition, unlocking its human capital and entrepreneurial potential and thereby increasing its competitiveness.



  • To support for the Albanian Innovation Ecosystem and help its actors scale up;
  • To facilitate access to investment & crowdfunding;
  • To provide EUR 1 Million for funding and tailored capacity building support to 50 innovative micro, small- and medium-sized enterprises, start-ups with innovative solutions and start-ups with a prominent tech content in all stages of development idea, validation, growth and scale-up;
  • To drive innovation and to get access to Horizon Europe Funds, by the collaborative approach of four main helixes: academia, government, industry, civil society;
  • To promote Albania as the start-up, innovation and investment destination in the Western Balkans – Albanian start-up scene as the new land of opportunities.


Increased maturity and exposure of the Albanian start-up and innovation ecosystem and its stakeholders.


1: The stakeholders of the Albanian start-up ecosystem benefited from Capacity Development interventions;
2: Finance opportunities for Albanian start-ups and ISOs (Innovation Support Organisations) improved and diversified;
3: The Quadruple Helix approach promoted and implemented;
4: Albania’s start-up and innovation ecosystem promoted with innovators and entrepreneurs both domestically and internationally.

Project Reference Number 2022/440-802