Environment Agency Austria
Albanian Population
01.2022 - 12.2025
Overall Objective
EU4Green supports Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia in implementing the Green Agenda. The aim is to build synergies, encourage new ideas, improve the quality of decisions, in order to enhance regulatory reforms and foster monitoring and reporting. To ensure ownership and strengthen acceptance, EU4Green will strengthen communication and cooperation between decision-makers, regional key institutions and stakeholders.
Summary of the Project
The EU4Green project supports the Western Balkans – Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia – in implementing the ‘Green Agenda for the Western Balkans’, in greening their economies in consultation with all relevant partners and in enhancing monitoring and reporting.
Main Activities:
1.1 Mapping and identifying initiatives relevant to the Green Agenda and potential gaps, overlaps and create synergies;
1.2 Setup for implementation and coordination of the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans, including the Regional Cooperation Council, on a regional level;
1.3 Support the WB6 to implement the Green Agenda.
2.1 Framework to monitor the implementation of the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans at the regional level;
2.2 Supporting beneficiaries in establishing and implementing monitoring and reporting frameworks at the national (BiH: subnational) level;
2.3 Supporting the Beneficiaries in the participation in and cooperation with relevant EU networks and programmes.
3.1 Increasing the awareness on the benefits and necessity of the green transition of society in the Western Balkans;
3.2 Involvement and active participation of stakeholders, in particular municipalities, scientific institutions, civil society, the private sector, and the public in the implementation of the Green Agenda at the national and regional levels;
3.3 Increase the opportunities for the integration of environment and climate as well as green skills necessary for the green transformation in ongoing reforms of the education systems.
4.1 Better reflection of green agenda in the relevant cooperation frameworks and financial mechanisms;
4.2 Increase capacities of beneficiaries to integrate the Green Agenda in programming and projects .
Support the WB6 to implement the Green Agenda;
Framework to monitor the implementation of the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans at the regional level;
Increasing the awareness on the benefits and necessity of the green transition of society in the Western Balkans;
Increase the opportunities for the integration of environment and climate as well as green skills necessary for the green transformation in ongoing reforms of the education system.