


Project Value 40,000,000.00 €
Project Status Ongoing
Implementation Responsibilites
Implementing Partners

United Nations Office for Project Services UNOPS.

EU Contribution
40,000,000.00 €
Project Timeline
01.10.2020 - 30.06.2026

Overall Objective

This action seeks to remediate the effect of the earthquake on Albania’s cultural heritage through the revitalization of earthquake affected cultural heritage sites and monuments and their valorisation, thereby contributing to Albania’s socio-economic recovery through improving Albania’s potential for tourism. The contribution of the action to socio-economic development has become more critical in light of the effects of the COVID-19 global pandemic, which has devastated Albania’s tourism sector. Further, the action will also strengthen Albania’s efforts towards the achievement of a number of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) including SDG 8 (economic growth), SDG 9 (infrastructure and industry), SDG 11 (urban and rural development), and SDG 17 (revitalized global partnership), as well as relevant EU policies in the Cultural Heritage sector, including the EU Framework for Cultural Heritage.

Summary of the Project

On 26 November 2019, Albania was hit by its most deadly earthquake in a century. The earthquake measured 6.4 on the Richter scale and caused significant casualties, resulting in 51 deaths, over 1000 injured, and nearly 14,000 people displaced, as well as widespread damage to public and private property. To measure and assess the economic damage, a Post Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA) was jointly conducted by the European Union, the UN and the World Bank Group, estimating the total economic losses at nearly $1B. The PDNA documented the destruction of public and private infrastructure. Of particular concern was the impact to cultural heritage monuments and property, with 53 cultural heritage properties significantly damaged by the earthquake.


Activity 1.1 Develop criteria and analyse data for selecting cultural heritage sites and monuments to be rehabilitated;
Activity 1.2 Site investigations and development of required technical documentation for revitalization of monuments and sites, in coordination with the Ministry of Culture
Activity 1.3 Enhancing heritage appreciation through museums and interpretation centres;
Activity 1.4 Preparation and quality check of the technical documentation elaborated for revitalization of the selected sites and monuments;
Activity 1.5 Defining Solicitation processes for the Procurement of the Works;
Activity 1.6 Executing works on revitalization of cultural heritage and monument sites, and required preventative actions to enhance resistance of these buildings whose conditions might be endangered by future disaster;
Activity 1.7 Technical acceptances of the works;
Activity 1.8 Project closure and the DNP Stage.

Activity 2.1. Assessing current heritage governance systems and stakeholders needs, establishing priorities for capacity-building;
Activity 2.2 Strengthening capacities of national and local stakeholders to enhance cultural resources as drivers for sustainable development;
Activity 2.3 Improvement of the management systems for targeted sites;
Activity 2.4 Grant Scheme for innovative cultural projects surrounding the chosen cultural heritage sites;
Activity 2.5 Strengthening culture-based sustainable tourism in Albania.

Activity 3.1. Communication of project results to the general public;
Activity 3.2. Advocating cultural resources be recognized as drivers for economic and sustainable development.



The Project will work towards achieving three main results following good governance and inclusive principles as a cross cutting aspect:

Result 1: Significant cultural heritage monuments and other cultural buildings or sites are physically rehabilitated, improving the cultural and economic well-being of Albanian society;
Result 2: Economic and local development supported through cultural heritage revitalization and valorization and improved capacities for its safeguarding, management, and promotion;
Result 3: Improved awareness on the role of natural and cultural heritage in building a better future for Albania, through measuring and communicating the impact of culture for sustainable development.

Project Reference Number IPA/2020/418-857