EU for Economic Recovery in response to COVID-19 (Sector Budget Support)

EU for Economic Recovery in response to COVID-19 (Sector Budget Support)


Project Value 2,600,000.00 €
Project Status Ongoing
Implementing Partners

Ministry of Finance and Economy

EU Contribution
26,000,000.00 €
Project Timeline

Overall Objective

Summary of the Project

The Sector Reform Contract EU for Economic Recovery in response to COVID-19 under IPA 2020 National Programme (IPA 2020/042-915) supports the implementation of economic reform programme (ERP) and national response measures to mitigate the economic and social impact of the COVID-19 pandemic


The inputs necessary to create direct outputs are funding, policy dialogue between the Albanian public institutions and the EU, and disbursement conditions. The transfer of budget support funds will enable the government to reduce the disruption of the economy and the effects on the macro-economic conditions created by the pandemic.

Expected Results

  • Card-payments transactions in retail increased by 30% by June 2021
  • 10000 businesses that implement e-invoice for Business to Business (B2B) by end-August 2021
  • MTRS published for public consultation at the latest in Q2 2021 for full payment
  • 1500 informal workers laid off due to COVID-19 re-employed through the Active Labour Market Programme
  • 1000 Businesses benefiting from reimbursement of expenses (masks, sanitizers, etc) incurred for applying red protocol health measures against COVID-19 as approved by Health Institutions
Project Reference Number 2021 / 423-402