Enhancement of Biodiversity in Drin River Basin through Integrated Watershed Management – BIODRINI

Enhancement of Biodiversity in Drin River Basin through Integrated Watershed Management – BIODRINI


Project Value 462,104.00 €
Project Status Ongoing
Implementing Partners

Rahovec Municipality (KS), Kukës Municipality (AL), Urban Research Institute (URI)

EU Contribution
392,788.00 €
Project Timeline

Overall Objective

Overall objective:

Protection of the environment and enhancement of the biodiversity through implementation of best practices along the Drin River Basin in the territories of Kukes Region and Rahovec municipality.


Summary of the Project

The project aims to protect the environment and enhance biodiversity through implementation of best practices along the Drin River Basin in the territories of Rahovec and Kukes.


Assessment of the current biodiversity situation and threats in the Drin River Basin and preparation of Integrated Watershed Management Plan focused on conservation of biodiversity:

  • Collect information and review focusing on strategies, plans, studies on biological and physical environment, socio-economic data, etc.;
  • Assessment of physical, biological, environmental, social characteristics of area;
  • Short/long-term objectives of Integrated Watershed Management Plan (IWMP);
  • Public consultation in project areas on objectives and measures;
  • Legal and institutional framework and gap analysis;
  • Definition of key environmental indicators;
  • Consultative workshop on findings and finalisation of IWMP, including the environmental monitoring plan.

Application of best practices for sustainable management and development of rehabilitation initiatives through participatory approach:

  • Training on biodiversity monitoring and conservation for local and regional staff;
  • Identifying litter traps positions, MoU with municipalities for installation, and installation of litter traps and monitoring camera;
  • Clean-up event in Drin River banks with local civil society organizations;
  • Influence local authorities and recyclers association and building up a public-private partnership for continuous clean-up of litter traps.

Raise public awareness in Drin River Basin for the need of biodiversity conservation and environmental protection and sharing and replicating lessons learned with other river basin management experiences:

  • Summer and Winter School “Natural values of Drin River Bn”;
  • Training modules for the Summer and Winter School;
  • National closing conference and Drin River Day.

Communication and media:

  • Publish the IWPM and environmental monitoring plan;
  • Develop the communication strategy and design/product identity and promotional materials;
  • Set up web page for project activities, blogs and online project newsletter;
  • Promotional video for project activities with use of local TV, official websites and social media promotion: Facebook, Instagram;

Project best practice booklet.

Expected Results


  1. Assessment of the current biodiversity situation and threats in the Drin River Basin and preparation of Integrated Watershed Management Plan focused on conservation of biodiversity;
  2. Application of best practices for sustainable management and development of rehabilitation initiatives through participatory approach;
  3. Raise public awareness in Drin River Basin for the need of biodiversity conservation and environmental protection and sharing and replicating lessons learned with other river basin management experiences;

   Publication and dissemination.

Project Reference Number IPA/2021/430-861