Economic and Social Empowerment for Roma and Egyptians – a Booster for Social Inclusion

Economic and Social Empowerment for Roma and Egyptians – a Booster for Social Inclusion


Project Value 4,000,000.00 €
Project Status Completed
Implementing Partners

United Nations Development Programme

EU Contribution
4,000,000.00 €
Project Timeline
01.2015 - 01.2019

Overall Objective

The overall objective of the project is to contribute to the economic and social empowerment of Roma and Egyptians communities.

Summary of the Project

This project promoted the economic and social empowerment of Roma and Egyptian (R&E) communities by increasing employment and vocational training opportunities, improving access to basic social services, strengthening institutional capacity to offer such social services, and establishing supportive mechanisms for those who live under severe circumstances. The project supported the Government of Albania in its efforts to achieve the objectives set forth in the National Action Plan for the Integration of Roma and Egyptians 2016-2020 while promoting respect for human rights, gender mainstreaming, and intercultural dialogue.


1. Support employment and vocational education through tailor-made employment promotion programmes for Roma & Egyptian communities;
2. 883 people attended employment programmes, 64 people benefited from business grants, and 132 people participated in basic literacy and life skills courses;
3. Integrated systemic approach to basic services at the local level targeting R&E communities, enabling them to demand and access inclusive, qualitative and integrated services, in particular social care, education and health;
4. Enhance institutional capacities to address the social inclusion of R&E at central and local level by providing an institutional partnership platform involving all relevant local and national structures, academic bodies, relevant civil society organisations and community members;
5. 68 staff of the national employment services were trained on Roma and Egyptian employment and vocational training measures.


1. Increased opportunities offered to R&E citizens related to active employment measures and vocational training programmes in order to reduce the gap between R&E minorities and the majority of the population in the labour market;
2. Improved access to basic services and increased participation of R&E in local planning processes, including de-segregation in school;
3. Completed small infrastructural works to rehabilitate areas where the Roma community lives;
4. Enhanced institutional capacities at central and local level to address the social inclusion of R&E.

Project Reference Number 372-102