01.09.2022 - 31.08.2024
Overall Objective
Strengthen the protection of the right to property in Albania and Albania’s capacity to guarantee in practice the right to ownership, as one of the fundamental rights, provided through a regulated system of harmonised real property, which offers clear and safe property titles for everyone.
Summary of the Project
The purpose is to build an integrated cadastral and land information system (ACLIS) which will facilitate and manage applications of citizens and businesses for all services provided by the newly formed State Cadastral Agency (SCA). ACLIS should upload and keep updated information of all spatial and legal data related to immovable properties as well as manage all SCA’s functions and business processes.
The purpose of this contract is to build an integrated cadastral and land information system (ACLIS) which will facilitate and manage applications of citizens and businesses for all services provided by the newly formed State Cadastral Agency (SCA). The Albanian Cadastral and Land Information System should upload and keep updated information of all spatial and legal data related to immovable properties as well as manage all SCA’s functions and business process related with applications.