02.2018 - 01.2021
Overall Objective
To reinforce the capacities of CSOs in Albania to provide reintegration services for former victims of trafficking and domestic violence, in order to achieve a harmonic social inclusion of former victims, mainly through the enhancement of their employability.
Summary of the Project
The project contributed to identifying the needs of civil society organisations (CSOs) in Tirana, Kukes, Diber and Saranda to grow/formalise and specialise in re/integration of former victims of trafficking and/or domestic violence, and built their capacities through training (and on the job support, mentoring/coaching) tailored to their needs.
The action also supported CSOs through a grant scheme to propose and implement economic empowerment models for former victims. Specific support was provided to the victims’ organisation AAGW to become a receiving point for former victims, provide support and/or advice on where to get assistance, train its members to become peer mentors, provide opportunities to victims for vocational training, job counselling, socialisation, income generation etc.
The project contributed to increasing the number of adult former victims of trafficking and domestic violence receiving appropriate support and becoming financially independent. By providing support to CSOs, the project complemented the work of local authorities, who were facing difficulties to establish/deliver new social services and address the needs of vulnerable groups.
- Assessment of CSOs’ capacities in relation to victim support provision;
- Elaboration of “Guidelines for developing innovative and effective economic empowerment solutions”;
- Capacity building for local CSOs;
- Research on the local job market skills needs;
- Input into the development of vocational training priorities and programmes and business development plans for former victims;
- Building of self-support and empowerment networks;
- Implementation of innovative economic empowerment solutions for victims of trafficking and domestic violence through a grant scheme for civil society organisations;
- Development of a Communication and Awareness Raising Plan;
- Development of communication and visibility materials and tools;
- Creation and implementation of a social media campaign;
- Organisation of information events.
- Increased number of CSOs across Albania that are able to support former victims of trafficking and violence;
- At least 13 organisations, including an organisation created by the victims, will be trained and will develop their capacities to protect human rights and victims’ rights;
- Increased competencies of former victims’ organisations, in order for them to play a more active role in policy and decision-making;
- Successful initiatives for economic empowerment of former victims, developed in collaboration with the local government and various organisations (including the association of former victims);
- Economically empowered former victims;
- Raised awareness among the public, local and national authorities, CSOs and other stakeholders, about the rights of former victims of trafficking and domestic violence, and their needs for socio-economic empowerment and inclusion.