The subject of the contract is to supply 1,680,000 vaccine baits for the vaccination of red fox against rabies across the whole territory of Albania (excluding urban areas and water bodies) in three consecutive rounds to take place during the period 2022 –2023. This action contributes to eradication of rabies disease in Albania and the Western Balkans.
18.06.2022 - 18.01.2024
Overall Objective
The subject of the contract is to supply 1,680,000 vaccine baits for the vaccination of red fox against rabies across the whole territory of Albania (excluding urban areas and water bodies) in three consecutive rounds to take place during the period 2022 –2023. This action contributes to eradication of rabies disease in Albania and the Western Balkans.
Summary of the Project
The rabies eradication in Albania has been continuously supported by EU through IPA programme. From 2014, thirteen vaccination campaigns have been completed successfully. This support continues with implementation of 3 consecutive campaign during 2022 – 2023.
The main activities are as follows:
- Delivery of the vaccines and testing;
- Implementation of 3 oral vaccination campaigns.
- Supply of vaccines (560,000 baits / campaign) in line with the technical requirements;
- Implementation of 3 vaccination campaigns during 2022 – 2023 through aerial distribution of vaccine baits in the whole territory of Albania (excluding urban areas and water bodies).