Consolidation of the Justice System in Albania (EURALIUS V)

Consolidation of the Justice System in Albania (EURALIUS V)


Project Value 7,499,844.00 €
Project Status Completed
Implementing Partners

German Foundation for International Legal Cooperation (IRZ) (coordinator)
AED, Center for International Legal Cooperation (CILC) and Scuola Superiore Italiane della Magistratura (partners)

EU Contribution
7,499,844.00 €
Project Timeline
03.2018 - 03.2021

Overall Objective

To support Albania to align its justice system to the best European standards and to the EU acquis whenever applicable.

Summary of the Project

EURALIUS stands for “Consolidation of the Justice System in Albania”. EURALIUS V follows EURALIUS I, II, III and IV and has been active in Albania since 2007. Now the project has more than 10 long-term international experts from the EU Members’ States.

The main focus of the project was to support Albania to implement the Justice Reform approved in July 2016 and support drafting the legislation in the field of the judiciary, in line with the best EU standards.


  1. Support the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) and other relevant institutions in developing the necessary capacity for the effective implementation, monitoring and evaluation of Justice Sector Reforms Action Plan;
  2. Create the conditions for a constant monitoring of the quality and effectiveness of the work of judges and prosecutors through conceiving and introducing systems for the assessment of their performance (relying on the experiences developed in EU countries, while safeguarding the autonomy and independence of judges and prosecutors);
  3. Strengthen the capacities of the School of Magistrates in providing curricula and training for an important number of new or assessed judges/prosecutors;
  4. Support the development and implementation of a system of continuous training for judges/prosecutors and MoJ staff in areas relevant for effective case management; the training system is in line with the legal framework of the justice system, international obligations and in general with the specific context in which this operates in Albania;
  5. Support the judiciary in combating corruption amongst its ranks, in terms of both prevention of inappropriate behaviours, and ex-post identification of wrongdoings;
  6. Support the MoJ in the coherent use, collection, and analysis of sex- and age disaggregated data and gender statistics in all matters where individuals are concerned; and in the adoption of a set of selected indicators measuring the impact of reform in the justice sector in terms of gender;
  7. Support the MoJ in the improvement of the electronic infrastructure of the courts, in order to increase the quality, accountability and transparency of the judicial process and the service offered to the public;
  8. Strengthen access to justice and legal aid mechanisms (including awareness of such mechanisms) especially for women and for women and men from vulnerable groups;
  9. Support a review of the legal and technical framework of the execution system, in view of the introduction of an effective bailiff system;
  10. Monitor selected concrete court cases including types of cases that are of significant relevance for women’s right to justice.


  1. Enhanced professionalism, integrity and accountability in the justice system;
  2. A more effective case management system and increased access to justice for all citizens by implementing the best EU standards in the judicial institutions.
EUD contact point


Project Reference Number 2018 / 395-806