Civil Society in Action to Build Restorative Approaches and Practices for Children & Youth in Conflict or Contact with the Law

Civil Society in Action to Build Restorative Approaches and Practices for Children & Youth in Conflict or Contact with the Law


Project Value 315,468.00 €
Project Status Completed
Implementing Partners
  1. Terre des Hommes Mission in Albania;
  2. Albanian Foundation for Conflict Resolution & Reconciliation of Disputes (AFCR);
  3. Terre des Hommes Foundation Hungary.
EU Contribution
315,468.00 €
Project Timeline
03.2018 - 08.2020

Overall Objective

To contribute to the respect of human and children rights for children/youth in conflict or in contact with the law through advancing the implementation of restorative approaches and through the prevention of imprisonment according to the new juvenile justice code in Albania.

Summary of the Project

The action promoted the respect of human and children rights for children/youth in conflict or contact with the law, supporting professionals involved in using restorative approaches under the new juvenile justice code and encouraging active civil society participation through local restorative programmes. It was innovative, linked to and built upon the 2017 Code of Criminal Justice for Children.

This action built knowledge on the restorative approaches in the new juvenile justice code by coalition building and awareness-raising among key stakeholders and in target areas; it strengthened the capacities of competent bodies and civil society organisations (CSOs) involved in the administration of juvenile justice to implement restorative approaches, by carrying out a comprehensive training programme and developing guidelines; and enabled CSOs to support the prevention of imprisonment of children/youth through restorative practices.


  1. Organise launch event with key stakeholders and civil society;
  2. Conduct local coalition building and awareness raising campaign;
  3. Develop capacity building framework and action plan;
  4. Design and conduct capacity building for mediators;
  5. Technical assistance and coaching for mediators;
  6. Pilot capacity building for justice professionals;
  7. Facilitate accreditation of curricula for justice professionals;
  8. Design and conduct thematic capacity building for civil society;
  9. Develop guidelines for key stakeholder groups;
  10. Conduct project development capacity building for CSOs;
  11. Open call and award sub-grants;
  12. Implement, monitor and evaluate sub-grants;
  13. Technical assistance and coaching;
  14. Establish and facilitate a restorative justice network for CSOs;
  15. Organise study visit/exchanges;
  16. Capitalise on best practices.


  1. Raised awareness about restorative approaches in the new juvenile justice code among civil society, key stakeholders and target beneficiaries;
  2. Strengthened capacities of key actors involved in the administration of juvenile justice to implement restorative approaches;
  3. Boosted effectiveness in the implementation of restorative approaches contained in the new juvenile justice code;
  4. Increased capacity to develop and implement local pilot programmes on restorative approaches and prevention measures through sub-grant schemes for CSOs working with children/youth in conflict with the law as well as with their families & communities;
  5. Enhanced CSOs’ role in developing best practices in restorative justice measures.
Project Reference Number NEAR-TS/2017/394-680