Save the Children Italia – ONLUS
Save the Children in Albania
Terre des Hommes Mission in Albania
01.2016 - 06.2018
Overall Objective
To contribute to the protection of the rights of the child in Albania and to strengthen the role of civil society active in this area.
Summary of the Project
Through this project, Save the Children and Terre des Hommes intended to empower civil society organisations (CSOs) and community-based organisations (CBOs) active in the protection of child rights ( including combating trafficking of minors) by ensuring a higher level of their effectiveness, inclusiveness, and pro-activeness through innovative capacity development and effective funding.
The action had three main components:
- Capacity Building Program for the CSOs working in the field of Child Protection and Human Rights
- Sub-granting scheme
- Networking and knowledge capitalisation and dissemination
- Mapping and assessment of CSOs working in the area of child rights protection in Albania;
- Capacity building programme for CSOs in organisational and project development, advocacy and lobbying, child rights/child protection issues including protection of child victims of violence, abuse, sexual exploitation and street children;
- Provision of grants through Calls for Proposals to CSOs for the implementation of projects related to monitoring and access to justice;
- On-going mentoring and technical assistance to CSOs;
- Network meetings of CSOs active in the area of child rights; identification of advocacy issues, planning of the steps, roles and responsibilities of network members to advocate for the issues;
- Developing the brochure Best Practices in Protection of the Child Rights; dissemination of the brochure through peer-to-peer exchanges and online platforms.
- CSOs and CBOs have enhanced their capacity to carry out actions focusing on the rights of the child and to advocate for their implementation;
- CSOs and CBOs are enabled to implement actions that enhance protection of the rights of the child through an effective and comprehensive sub-granting scheme;
- CSOs are enabled to work together for the protection of the rights of the child through effective networking and knowledge capitalisation and dissemination.