Civil society against corruption – from a local challenge to a European response

Civil society against corruption – from a local challenge to a European response


Project Value 500,000.00 €
Project Status Ongoing
Implementing Partners

Albanian Helsinki Committee

EU Contribution
475,000.00 €
Project Timeline

Overall Objective

To enhance the role of civil society in participating, monitoring, advocating and raising awareness for better policymaking processes in the framework of Albania’s EU accession.

Summary of the Project


The aim of the project is to enhance the role of civil society in participating, monitoring, advocating and raising awareness for better policymaking processes in the framework of Albania’s EU accession, by promoting the transparency, openness and accountability of the relevant institutions, by empowering civil society organisations in Albania to contribute in policymaking processes that address corruption, good governance and justice issues, and by fostering regional and European dialogue in the society.



Expected Results

Objective 1: To enhance transparency, openness and accountability as well as institutional capacities and commitment in tackling corruption.

Objective 2: To empower civil society organisations in Albania to contribute in policymaking processes that address corruption, good governance and justice issues enabling a better environment for Civil Society.

Objective 3: To foster regional and European connection by promoting and improving Albania’s reforms commitment in the fight against corruption, justice and good governance.

Ms Ardita Kolmarku ardita.kol

Peter Danis