Save the Children Italia – ONLUS
Centre of Integrated Legal Services and Practices
Save the Children Albania
01.2016 - 09.2019
Overall Objective
To contribute to the empowerment of civil society organisations to actively participate in and influence the proper functioning of the judiciary in Albania.
Summary of the Project
Through this Action, Save the Children and the Centre of Integrated Legal Services and Practices aimed to strengthen civil society organisations (CSOs), increase transparency and accountability of the judiciary and improve access to justice for vulnerable groups in Albania.
The project had 3 main components: 1) a capacity building program for the CSOs working in the field of Justice and Human Rights; 2) a sub-granting scheme that consists in the provision of funds to selected CSOs for the implementation of small scale interventions, in the areas of monitoring of the justice system and access to justice for vulnerable groups; 3) the creation of a civil society network to carry out joint advocacy initiatives and share information and best practices in the justice sector.
- Assessment of civil society actors in different areas of Albania;
- Design and implementation of trainings for CSOs at the regional and national level covering: organisational development, advocacy and networking, technical thematic issues;
- Study visit to Italy for sub-grantees implementing projects in the area of access to justice to learn about the Italian best practices;
- Provision of grants to CSOs for the implementation of projects related to monitoring and access to justice (sub-granting scheme);
- On-going mentoring and technical assistance to CSOs;
- Setting up a civil society network, organisation/facilitation of meetings, identifying advocacy issues and planning for actions;
- Development of a database on the status of the judiciary and publication of a Monitoring Report on Judiciary;
- Conduct an awareness raising campaign.
- Target CSOs have enhanced their capacities related to organisational development, monitoring of the judiciary, access to justice, advocacy and lobbying;
- CSOs are enabled to monitor the judiciary and provide equal and effective access to justice through the implementation of relevant projects funded by the sub-granting scheme;
- A civil society network of organisations is established and is recognised as a relevant interlocutor for the judicial institutions at the local and national level.