- European Movement Albania (EMA)
01.01.2023 - 30.06.2023
Overall Objective
The overall objective addresses one of the strategic directions of the national Roadmap on an Enabling Environment for CSOs adopted in 2019, aiming the institutional cooperation between government and civil society, which is linked with several priorities such as stronger engagement of CSOs in public policy processes and ensuring their contribution in the EU accession process of the country, through evidence-based advocacy and close monitoring of reforms.
Summary of the Project
The action focuses on civic participation, policy dialogue, cooperation among stakeholders, in frame of EU integration process of the country and of the start of negotiations (screening process which is undergoing) linked strongly with the preparatory work for the opening of the Cluster 1 – Fundamentals First (Chapter 23,24,5,32,18). It will highlight the role of active citizens in the civic, political, technical and legal dimension of such change.
The main four components of the proposed action are:
- Participation through Inclusion – Dialogue – Engagement – the aim is in boosting active CSOs and activists’ participation in EU;
- reform processes through an institutionalized multi-stakeholder thematically structured discussion platform – the National Convention;
- Capacity building – focus on strengthening of capacities of CSOs in playing an active role in consultation and policy-making and having the means for monitoring and for oversight to achieve transparency and accountability, and to consolidate democratic culture – EU and Rule of Law Academy;
- Monitoring and research – with the main objective to increase budget transparency and accountability in the Justice system through conducting desk research and monitoring activities followed by the publication of a series of documents and reports;
- Informing – robust information actions to achieve increased awareness and public debate about the EU reform process in Cluster 1 and promote civic participation through media campaigns, civic activities and education platforms.
The expected results are scrutinized to offer tangible impact and distinguished improvement of CSOs role and engagement in reformation process of Albania under EU integration. Outputs are to be produced for each specific objective and activity that are easily measured in terms of their impact and positive effects.
- Enhanced structured dialogue in place;
- Increased role of CSOs and activists in the good governance and rule of law area;
- A good level of information and awareness of civic sector and public in general;
- Dialogue and cooperation between state structures and CSOs.