Capacity Building for Public Private Partnership (PPP) and Management Skills Development in the Albanian Transport Sector

Capacity Building for Public Private Partnership (PPP) and Management Skills Development in the Albanian Transport Sector


Project Value 699,900.00 €
Project Status Completed
Implementing Partners

Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy

EU Contribution
699,900.00 €
Project Timeline
11.2018 - 02.2020

Overall Objective

The overall objective of this project is to contribute to an efficient transport system, integrated in the region and in the EU network, which promotes economic development and the citizens’ quality of life by focusing on roads.

Summary of the Project

This project aimed to improve the capacities of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy (MIE) and the Albanian Roads Authority (ARA) by providing Technical Assistance support for developing management skills and the legislative framework concerning the Private Public Partnership (PPP) financing methods in the road transport infrastructure construction, operation and maintenance. The Technical Assistance team provided recommendations on how to apply the best international PPP experience at the national level and reinforced the ability of the Government of Albania to develop new road infrastructure through PPP schemes.


1. Review and analyse the Albanian PPP law, comparing with the best practices in the EU, related Regulations and Operational Guidelines in force, as well the institutional framework;
2. Provide needs assessment and propose a PPP-related training and capacity development plan;
3. Provide PPP-related training to Government staff;
4. Develop templates, check lists, handbooks, and general business cases to provide guidance for evaluating proposals for PPP and/or designing PPP models that create maximum benefit for Albania;
5. Draft a PPP/concession works contract to ensure these projects are of good quality, sustainable, well-structured, economically and financially viable and able to attract private sector interest;
6. In close collaboration with the beneficiaries, assess possible PPP projects and identify a pilot project for further development;
7. Support the Government of Albania to define a pipeline of mature projects to be implemented under the PPP schemes.


1. The MoIE/ARA staff is trained to be able to assess the country’s advantages that differentiate infrastructure concession from other types of public administration contracts in the range of public-private sector infrastructure management contracts;
2. MoIE/ARA staff is trained on the full process of awarding a concession and PPP contracts on roads, including on identification of potential projects, evaluation process and contract preparation, as well as contract implementation monitoring.

Project Reference Number 401-613