Building Bridges: Bridging the Gap in the Employment Rights through Youth and CSO Engagement (BB – YCSE)

Building Bridges: Bridging the Gap in the Employment Rights through Youth and CSO Engagement (BB – YCSE)


Project Value 340,252.00 €
Implementing Partners

Studies and Development Center, KREO Organisation and REDU – Rete and Educare ai Diritti Umani


15 CSOs/youth organisations in 10 municipalities;
30 youth groups (5- 8 persons for each group) or 240 person;
5 Local employment offices and regional Inspectorate of Labor and Social Services (Vlore, Diber, Elbasan);
10 Local government units;
260 young people 15-29 years old (male and female) jobseekers from vulnerable youth groups;
10,000 youth beneficiaries (indirectly).

EU Contribution
323,239.40 €
Project Timeline
01.2024 - 01.2027

Overall Objective

Improve Youth, CSOs, and local authorities’ capacities to integrate Programs/approaches and activities in social labour rights in their agenda and strengthen governmental and civil society efforts related to inclusion of vulnerable youth to promoting human rights on employment.

Summary of the Project

The Action directly strengthen the capacities of civil society and role (in the context of complementary youth-related action) to promote a democratic society in general, while improving the social and economic context for the development of Social Labour rights approaches.


1. Desk research/review of the labour code, law enforcement on employment discrimination for all groups of population

2. Development of awareness and promotion human rights actions modes/approaches and tools, toolkits that provide practical guidance on how to effectively advocate for social labour rights;

3. Implementation/application of monitoring and reporting of labour right violations by both CSOs and youth in each of the municipality;

4. Capacity building program/plan for social labour rights promotion;

5. Sub-granting to 6 NGOs and mentoring the initiatives/interventions on application of social labour rights models/approaches from CSOs;

6. Promotional campaign;

7. Development of a toolkit that provides practical guidance on how to effectively advocate for social labour rights.


O1: Increased knowledge and information on situation of young people and capacities of CSOs with regard to the main challenges on human rights particularly the social labour rights;

O2: Increased awareness of CSOs, local youth organizations, government and private business in 10 municipalities on social labour rights;

O3: Enable environment for CSOs and Young people (male and female) especially in rural areas and from poor marginalized/disadvantages communities to benefit from direct actions in support of promotion and implementing social labour rights.

Project Reference Number 452 – 193