A consortium led by EPDC, and composed of ECORYS, ICE, EPRD, and OSFA
The main beneficiaries are the Municipalities of Albania and the Minister of State for Local Government, through the Agency for Local Government Support – as the central institutions in charge for local affairs and the ASPA.
07.2021 - 06.2024
Overall Objective
The overall objective is to strengthen the municipalities of Albania in the EU integration process by improving further their governance capacities, knowledge on EU related issues and ability to benefit from EU funds and programmes.
Summary of the Project
The process of preparing for EU membership is a long and intensive process, which requires comprehensive preparation by all – central and local – institutional actors. The MfE project aims to provide technical assistance and support to municipalities through training sessions, knowledge transfer activities, public events and various information tools in order to build capacities and raise awareness for municipal administrations and citizens of Albania.
Through a national coverage, the project is providing support to all 61 LGUs and engage in activities in order to achieve the following main components:
Strengthening local government capacities in facing the challenges that the European integration process presents and seize the opportunities that it offers;
Increasing knowledge of the EU policies, acquis, standards and dissemination of EU related information at local level.
Assist all municipalities of Albania in the establishment of EU Units and enable their effective and efficient management and functioning, in line with DCM No 450/2018. Promote their role within the municipal and
central administration;
Provide capacity building, in coordination with ASPA, of EU Units and other specialists in the municipal administration through the provision of relevant trainings, hands on support and networking opportunities, to further enhance knowledge and awareness of the EU integration process, EU policies, EU acquis, and standards;
Organise in particular trainings on how to benefit from IPA and other EU funds and programmes available for municipalities. Specific support will be given to municipalities to, implement, monitor, evaluate and report on grants for ‘EU for Municipalities’ initiative;
Support EU Units to organise events in order to disseminate tailor made EU related information and to raise awareness of the European integration process among Albanian citizens. Support ASLG to conduct the municipal performance mapping exercise throughout the country in order to inform about local governance issues, in particular levels of implementation of EU related obligations at local level and how to improve;
Support the municipal leadership (both executive and legislative) to increase their knowledge and awareness about EU issues, policies, EU funds and programmes, and the municipal role in the EU integration process;
Support the EU Delegation and Europe House in the implementation of information and communication activities, including events and campaigns.
1. Strengthened EU Units, equipped with the necessary infrastructure, appropriate staff and relevant info materials ready to exercise their functions regarding the EU integration process;
2. Increased knowledge and awareness of the municipality staffs and local communities about the obligations and benefits that arise for local governments and local communities in the Albanian journey towards EU
3. Enhanced capacity of the municipalities to convey relevant information to local communities and targeted stakeholders related to their performance on EU matters and the future topics related to specific elements of the
negotiation process;
4. Increased capacities and knowledge of the municipal staff on the process of drafting applications for EU funds and programmes;
Strengthened cooperation between local government, local community, civil society and other stakeholders in order to exchange information and opinions by converging on decisions that help meet the criteria related to the EU integration process;
6. Increased coordination and cooperation among local government units for presenting joint stances and proposals on EU related matters;
7. Empowerment of the role of the Agency for Local Government Support (ASLG) and the Albanian School of Public Administration (ASPA) in enhancing the performance of their functions vis a vis local government units for EU related matters;
8. Increased cooperation of the stakeholders involved in the process of EU integration such as EU Member States, Europe House, TACSO, etc in providing the necessary.